竹田 正美





略 歴
1955  名古屋市に生まれる
1974  愛知県立旭丘高等学校 美術科 卒業
1972~79 東海彫塑展 <’77、’79受賞>
1978  愛知県立芸術大学 彫刻科 卒業
1979~88 第16回~25回 FIRST展(愛知県立美術館)
1980 第2回 松阪彫刻シンポジウム <招待参加>
1984 第48回 新制作展(東京都美術館) 以後毎年出品
1987~96 第1回~10回 耗彫刻展(愛知県美術館、荻須記念美術館等)
1988~94 第1回~4回 現代日本木刻フェスティバル(関市文化会館)
1989~92 第11回~14回 中日展 <賞候補>( 名古屋市博物館)
1995~97 第1回~3回 個展(ギャラリー安里SIX 画廊企画)
1999 第19回 天理ビエンナーレ1999
(ビエンナーレ形式第10回特別展)平面・立体総合部門 準大賞受賞
第63回 新制作展 新作家賞受賞
2000 彫刻新鋭展2000(東京/ギャラリーせいほう)
アートヒル 優秀マケットに選出受ける
     第64回 新制作展 新作家賞受賞
2001 第34回 現代美術選抜展 (文化庁主催)
第54回 瀬戸展 審査員
2002 第55回 瀬戸展 審査員
2003 第20回 天理ビエンナーレ2003
2004 新制作展 会員推挙を受ける
2005 第21回 天理ビエンナーレ2005 準大賞受賞
2007   あさご芸術の森大賞展 準大賞受賞
2008   新制作会員展 中部(名古屋/セントラル・アートギャラリー)
2009     第14回ドイツ国際彫刻シンポジウム招待参加 【1位受賞】
      第8回 あさご芸術の森大賞展(兵庫県朝来市)【優秀作品選出受ける】
2011   第2回 新制作会員展 中部(名古屋/セントラル・アートギャラリー)

         その他 グループ展、受賞多数    

現在     新制作協会 彫刻部会員

・ 三重県松阪市 中部台運動公園 石彫モニュメント「えんやこらさ」
・ 愛知県瀬戸市 本山中学校  石彫モニュメント「思いやり」
・ 愛知県春日井市 落合公園 石彫モニュメント「想い」
・ 奈良県天理市 天理美術館  木彫「遠い風の中」、木彫「ゆうやけこやけ瀬戸の山」
・ 兵庫県朝来市生野マインホール 木彫「ゆうやけこやけ、残された山」
・ ドイツ ザクセン州      木彫「山の恵」

Now, I live in Nisshin city, Aichi prefecture, Japan and work mostly with wood carvings. In addition to my home, I have my atelier, which I relocated from Nagoya to a quiet village surrounded by evergreen covered mountains named Seto city ten years ago.

I am fond of the common curved lines of the low-lying mountains around my atelier, and these lines are the source of my recent works. On my way to my atelier every day, I receive my inspiration from the natural beauty of the mountains; from the local people and their daily going-ons; and from the seasonal flow of time. I make my works by translating these various forms of inspirations into sculptural forms.
It is often said that people should coexist with nature, but our life, development and evolution often put us at odds with this idea. I also try to incorporate these contradictions into my works.

Modern Japanese sculpture developed rapidly by imitating the western way of thinking and creating from. Such imitation still dominates Japanese sculpture and has lead to the decline of the Japanese aesthetic. When I consider my works, I believe that I cannot escape my heritage and so, I try to adhere to the cultural identity that was not only passed down from my ancestors but that is a part of me. Every day I make works, putting an emphasis on the impression that comes form the people and the area around me.

My works are wood carvings made from local trees, such as camphorwood and kalopanax and done in the yosegi-zukuri style, meaning that the whole structure is made up of smaller blocks of wood. As a whole, my works have the appearance of the curved lines made with the mountains around my atelier. I consciously make holes arranged in harmony within the whole structure, and create structures reminiscent of ancient Japanese buildings. These light-filled spaces draw the viewer into the work for a closer view of the inside, and in this way, I fuse the sculpture and the viewer. I also use a gas burner to char the surface and give color and texture to the sculpture. Then, I apply white glazing and finally, polish the sculpture creating a unified look between the texture of the wood and the white glaze.

1978~1980 a lecturer at a public elementary school
1980~1993 a teacher of fine arts at a public junior high school
1993~ 2012 a teacher of fine arts at TOHO high school

1955  Born in Nagoya (53 years old as of February 24, 2009)
1974  Graduated from Aichi Prefectural Asahigaoka High School (Art course)
1972~79 Tokai Sculpture Exhibition < Awarded in 1977 and 1979>
1978  Graduated from Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music (Sculpture course)
1979~88 The 16th -25th FIRST Exhibition(Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art)
1980 The 2nd Matsuzaka Sculpture Symposium <Invited>
1984 The 48th Shinseisaku Exhibition(Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum)
Annual entry since this year
1987~96 The 1st – 10th Kou Sculpture Exhibition
(Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Inazawa City Oguiss Memorial Art Museum etc. )
1988~94 The 1st – 4th Modern Japanese Mokkoku Festival(Seki City Culture Hall)
1989~92 The 11th -14th Chu-nichi Exhibition <Nominated> (Nagoya City Museum)
1995~97 The 1st -3rd One man Show(Gallery Asato SIX Garou Kikaku)
1999 The 19th Tenri Biennale 1999 (The 10th Biennale Special Exhibition)
<Semi-Grand Prize of General Category (plane and solid) >
The 63rd Shinseisaku Exhibition <New Artist Award>
2000 Sculpture Shin-ei Exhibition 2000(Tokyo / Gallery Seihou)
Nominated for Art-Hill Excellent Maquette
     The 64th Shinseisaku Exhibition <New Artist Award>
2001 The 34th Modern Art Selected Exhibition
(under the auspices of Agency for Cultural Affairs)
Sculpture Shin-ei Exhibition 2001(Tokyo / Gallery Seihou)
The judge of The 54th Seto Exhibition
2002 The judge of The 55th Seto Exhibition
2003 The 20th Tenri Biennale 2003
2004 Recommended for a member of Shinseisaku Art Society
2005 The 21st Tenri Biennale 2005 <Semi-Grand Prize>
2007   The Asago Biennale <Semi-Grand Prize>

Others Awarded many times in group exhibitions   
A member of Shinseisaku Art Society (Sculpture)


・Monument of stone carving “Enyakorasa” ( Yo-Heave-Ho )
/ Matsusaka All round Sports Park in Matsusaka city, Mie prefecture